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bye bye battersea...

I won’t say how long I have been rolling the back streets of battersea, but I know that the time has come to make moves to new places, so here I am saying a fond farewell to my second home and about to head south to start fresh… it’s been real battersea and I’ll see you on the other side


while I am here and in the nostalgia zone, i would like to bid an additional fond farewell to a few of my old favourites.

no. one with a bullet my laundrette man and his family, especially the little giggler in the pushchair who would greet me on special saturday’s.

no. two are each and every one of my old office co-workers, the eight minute door to door job, and the six minute door to door job (those were the best commute’s of my life) and I thank the owners of both companies for having offices so close to my home.

no. three has to be my favourite garden nursery, mostly for the convenience of the twenty minute saturday morning walk, but also because the staff and the owner were so friendly and helpful. I missed popping in on the weekends because of lockdown.

no. four would have to be my little artisan styled grocery store on the other side of the park, who supplied me with all the organic fruit and veg a girl could want and some mighty fine baked goods to boot.

no. five is my extended family who I have spent most of my days and nights with over the last decade, because without them I would never have been in Battersea at all, xoxo

i would go into more detail, but i figure if you know, you know

my new park walk is, to be cont…